This week concluded our state-mandated testing. After spending so long in Colorado dealing with them, then moving here, I was in for an eye opening experience. It's soooo different here!
In Colorado, they're called CSAPs (Colorado Student Assessment Program). Kids take them from 3rd to 10th grade. Reading, writing, math. And in grades 5, 8, and 10 they take a science test. Then, 11th graders are required to take the ACT. There is no exit exam for seniors. The tests in Colorado don't have any impact on student grades, performance, etc. All the tests are timed as well.
In Alaska, they're called SBAs (Standards Based Assessment). Kids still take them from 3rd to 10th grade, but when they are in 10th grade, they are called the HSGQE (High School Graduation Qualifying Exam). Reading, writing, and math still. And science is tested in grades 4, 8 and 10. All 10th graders must pass the reading, writing, and math sections of the HSGQE to receive a true diploma when they graduate as seniors. If they don't pass the spring of the 10th grade year, they are tested again in the fall the following year. And again in the spring. And again and again until they pass. They only have to retake the tests they failed though. Other than the exit exam, the other major difference is that the tests here are not timed. Students have as much time to complete the tests as they need. Theoretically, they can stay til 9pm at night if they need to! I didn't get a chance to see the high school tests, because I was proctoring for one of our elementary special education students (she needed a one-on-one proctor to read her the test), but the tests seem so much longer. The writing part of the HSGQE has 6 or 7 writing prompts I believe, in addition to the 60 multiple choice questions.
The nice thing is that my community seems to find SBA scores important, unlike parents in Colorado, who are indifferent to their students' CSAP scores. (I do believe SBA scores are processed a little quicker than CSAP scores...that might be a helpful factor.)
Overall, my first year of SBA testing went fairly smooth. Nothing too crazy to report.
Oh, on another note, it's official. I'm returning to Koliganek for another year! I'll be back in Colorado for the summer though!
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